In September of 2020, after almost 30 years as a mobile church, BG4 moved into the Church of the Holy Spirit in north Battle Ground. The Episcopal church on this site has made room for our celebration services, weekly small groups and growing youth and kids ministry. We've enjoyed working together with the other congregation to care for the grounds and buildings. We're happy to put down roots and grow toward the future in Battle Ground. We believe this campus will continue to be full of the Holy Spirit and vibrant community life for years to come.
Elizabeth Sawczuk /
Lead Pastor
Elizabeth Sawczuk and her husband Rick have been married for 20 years. They met serving together in youth ministry. They have three delightful kids, Katarina, Gabriel and Noah. The Sawczuks have served together in ministry for all of their married life in Southern California, Everett, Washington, and most recently in Hillsboro, Oregon, before accepting the Lead Pastor roles at BG4 in summer of 2017.
Connie Arp /
Kids Director
Connie is passionate about kids getting to know who God really is--not just what other people say about Him. She graduated from George Fox University with a degree in business communication and children's ministry. On her days off, she likes to go garage sailing or antique shopping. Connie desires for kids to see how precious and wonderfully made they are and know that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of them! She wants Sunday to be the best day of a kid's week!
Elijah Hamilton / Youth Pastor
Elijah Hamilton is married to Yesi Hamilton, whom he met at Life Pacific University while they were both studying Psychology. They moved from California to make to make Battle Ground their new home. They’re passionate about helping young people discover their purpose and walk out their faith boldly. In their spare time, they enjoy going on hikes, drinking good coffee and chasing their two boys, Jax and Liam.
Jesse Newman / Worship Director
Jesse graduated from Grand Canyon University in 2021. He has a competitive nature and was a D1 Student Athlete in Javelin. He loves to hunt, fish, and camp like a true resident of the Pacific Northwest. Jesse loves leading worship and seeing the people of God respond in faith!
Tess Dresser/ Administrative Pastor
Tess has a long history of working in Kids and Youth Ministry as well as administrative and tech assistance. She has been attending Foursquare churches since birth and attended Life Pacific College where she met her husband, Daniel. She and Daniel have three kids and are passionate about equipping the next generation for their journey with Jesus as well as mobilizing all other generations to do the same. She also loves systems and helping things and people to work efficiently so we can stay on mission for the purpose God has given us!

Found people find people.
We welcome guests and engage people in the community because each person’s story matters to God. We value a teaching team that includes the stories of men and women of different ages and backgrounds. Because we want everyone to feel welcome, we use clear, understandable language, when we talk about God. You are WELCOME here.
It’s ok not to be ok.
We are a simple, honest, people-focused community where it is ok not to be ok. We take risks, try new things, admit mistakes and learn as we move forward. It’s a safe place to grow! We are HONEST with each other and with God.
We give our best because God gave His best.
We value servant-hearted leadership expressed in generosity, responsibility, and working together to serve our church and community. We serve together.
We pass the faith from one generation to another.
Our decisions prioritize passing faith to the next generation, with engagement from each generation.

Click here to learn more about Foursquare.
Click here for the declaration of faith.
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